Hindi: Vijaysar Gond, Hindi Vigaysar, Beej-Shala
Punjabi: Vijaysar
Bangali: Peet Shala
Arabic: Daamul Ikhwaen
Latin: Pterocarpus Marsupium
Plant of Indian Kinotree Malabar Kino is very tall and it has a lot of small branches on it that are bent because of the weight of flowers and fruit. The color of the bark of its stem is orange and it is ruff having many cracks on it. Bark of soft branches is slippery and it has white dots on it. Gum of this plant is knows as gum-kino and it has red color. This plant is found in Mala Bar, Madras, Neel Gari in India and in mountainous areas of Sri Lanka. Shape of it's leaves is circle and their size is very small. It brings flowers in the month of December. Wood of Indian Kinotree Malabar Kino is used in woodwork because of being very strong.