PHP and Localhost

Step -1 Download xampp installer for windows.

PHP and Localhost

Step -2 Install xampp when downloaded.

Step -3 Switch off IIS through administrative tools which can be located in start --- settings --- control panel.

Step -4 Open xampp control panel from start -- programs -- apache friends --- xampp --- xampp control panel.

PHP and Localhost

Step -5 Start Apache and MySql modules if switched off.

PHP and Localhost

Now you can run PHP pages on Localhost.

Step -1 Drop the PHP page in 'htdocs'. htdocs can be locatted at C:\xampp\htdocs.

Step -2 Open the page in IE or FireFox, you'll see in address bar something like C:\xampp\htdocs\yourpage.php

Step -3 Replace 'C:\xampp\htdocs' with 'localhost' ..... localhost\yourpage.php

That's it.