Is Functions - IsDate

Dim datBirth
datBirth = InputBox("Please enter the date on which you were born")
If IsDate(datBirth) Then
datBirth = CDate(datBirth)
MsgBox "You were born on day " & Day(datBirth) & _
" of month "& Month (datBirth) & " in the year " & _
year(datBirth) & "."
MsgBox "Sorry, but you did not enter a valid date."
End If

Day ( ), Month ( ), and year ( ) are built-in VBScript functions that you can use to return the different parts of a date. Not however, that not all of the "Is" functions work strictly on the values, as IsNumeric ( ) and IsDate ( ) do. The function IsEmpty ( ), IsNull ( ), and IsObject ( ) examine the subtype of the variable, not the value.
